Satirical or Ironic: Political Essays Have Power

A Whackadoodle lesson about the difference between Satirical and Ironic essays, with political examples of each. Including The Garlic’s Exclusive Interview with the Governor. “I’m supposed to write a satirical essay for my English 101 class,” she told me as soon as our lesson began. “Zowy,” I said. “Your teacher is quite ambitious.” “How do you … Read more

How Deflection Works: A Whackadoodle Logic Lesson

deflection and logic

A Whackadoodle logic lesson in which we discuss how people use deflection to win arguments; sometimes by just talking people to death. “So how does deflection actually work?” she asked me near the end of our lesson. “It’s when instead of engaging the argument, you deflect to something else. You basically change the subject. If … Read more

Reductio ad Absurdum: I Have no Cookie Jar

reductio ad absurdum

A Whackadoodle lesson, prompted by my student, regarding reductio ad absurdum arguments and how they are not logical fallacies. Including an excerpt from George Conway’s satirical essay about Trump and cookies. She pulled out her phone and began typing before speaking, “I think that I have found the perfect example of reductio ad absurdum for … Read more

A Reductio Ad Absurdum Argument: Cats v. Women

A Whackadoodle logic lesson, in which I explain why reductio ad absurdum is not a logical fallacy, despite the many websites that claim it is; including a slightly R-rated example of how reducing an argument through ridicule actually works. “Okay,” she nodded. “But I still get confused, is reductio ad absurdum a logical fallacy or … Read more