Navigating a Whackadoodle World: Table of Contents

Take one episode at a time,give it one weeks strict attention,and leave everything else to its ordinary chance. A Prologue Episode One:Boats float for a reason. If you can figure out the reason, you can float too.The Power of Cause and Effect Episode Two:You see dangerous rapids ahead, while I see an exciting ride.We all … Read more

Navigating a Whackadoodle World: Episode Nine

The Power of Contribution and Compensation: A Whackadoodle lesson in setting boundaries and demanding accountability, along with a short reminder in how to add negative numbers. If you have entered this story in the middle, click here for the table of contents. _______ She sat with her head in her chin, watching me check her … Read more

Why do some people irritate, while others become friends?

This two-question personality test may hold an answer. I would like to share a wonderful tool for understanding why you instantly bond with some people; while at the same time, some people seem born to irritate you.   Not everyone is like you. Not everyone wants the same things you want. Psychologists have identified four distinct … Read more